White Ribbon Accreditation

White Ribbon Accreditation is a commitment made by workplaces to work towards transformational culture change in their staff culture, systems and communities. You can join hundreds of organisations across England and Wales in making a commitment to make work a safe place for everyone.

The impact of Accreditation in your workplace:

  • 100% of White Ribbon Ambassadors believe that being an Ambassador contributes to creating positive change.

  • 87% of White Ribbon Ambassadors said they were having the most conversations at work about the importance of ending violence against women and girls. The next highest was in conversations with family and friends.

  • 82% of Accredited Organisations stated they were enthusiastic about what they could achieve towards preventing violence against women and girls as an organisation.

  • 100% of White Ribbon Champions said they felt enthusiasm about the positive impact that can be achieved by working with White Ribbon UK.  

The value of becoming White Ribbon Accredited includes:

  • Making change visible inside and outside of your organisation by communicating to your workforce and community that you are committed to positive change and inclusive workplaces where everyone feels that they belong.

  • Taking a holistic and positive approach to bringing about gender equality and ending men’s violence against women.

  • Demonstrating your ongoing and sustained commitment to preventing men’s violence against women by making changes in the way priorities are determined across your organisation through your communications, HR policies, employee development, training, and overall organisational culture.

  • Upskilling staff to become a community of changemakers with the understanding and strategies to make a difference.

If you have any questions email organisations@whiteribbon.org.uk

To find out more click ‘request information pack’ button below.