Government Consultation: Transforming the response to domestic abuse

On March 8th the Government launched the "Transforming the response to domestic abuse" consultation. The consultation closes on 31st May and we are hoping that White Ribbon Ambassadors and Champions will submit their own views. 

The consultation is very broad, setting out the government’s approach to dealing with domestic abuse and seeking to address it at every stage from prevention to rehabilitation. 

The government says their main aim is to prevent domestic abuse by challenging the acceptability of abuse and addressing the underlying attitudes and norms that perpetuate it.

There are four main themes

  • promote awareness – to put domestic abuse at the top of everyone’s agenda, and raise public and professionals’ awareness

  • protect and support – to enhance the safety of victims and the support that they receive

  • pursue and deter – to provide an effective response to perpetrators from initial agency response through to conviction and management of offenders, including rehabilitation

  • improve performance – to drive consistency and better performance in the response to domestic abuse across all local areas, agencies and sectors

Responses can be made online:

Full Version

Short Version

It is not expected that people will answer all the questions and hoped that individuals will share their own expertise and experiences

As a White ribbon Ambassador or Champion you may wish to highlight the following;

From the awareness-raising and preventative work that White Ribbon UK undertakes with men and boys, we know that there is a lack of knowledge of what constitutes domestic abuse and that it may include coercion and control.

White Ribbon UK encourages men and boys to examine their own behaviour and also call out inappropriate and abusive behaviour that they encounter amongst their peers.  

Awareness raising and preventative work must not be confined to schools and  there is an urgent need for an expansion of programmes to more groups and venues, especially those locations where a dangerous and toxic culture of masculinity may develop if not challenged. 

It is essential front-line services are maintained and resourced so that victims and survivors of domestic abuse are able to receive the help and support they need, safe places for when they leave a dangerous situation and responsive and appropriate support from the police and other agencies.

Prevention and awareness raising work within communities and changing attitudes, such as that undertaken by White Ribbon UK is of considerable importance in seeking long term reduction in domestic abuse.


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