The World Cup Starts Today

Today the World Cup starts in Russia. We are aware that violence increases during World Cup season. The link between domestic abuse and major sporting events is well established. In 2014, researchers at Lancaster University found that reported incidents of domestic abuse in Lancashire rose by 38% on days when England lost at the 2002, 2006 and 2010 World Cups. Incidents were also 11% higher than average on the day after an England match.

In America, they fully acknowledge the increase of violence, and as such the Super Bowl has a massive campaign against domestic violence. We need to do the same with the World Cup, and this year White Ribbon UK, alongside the police and local authorities across the country, are doing just that.

Being active bystanders is essential all year round; however, we ask that you pay particular attention during this time, calling out sexist language and abuse if you witness it.

Look for the signs:

  • Coercive control

  • Sexist language

  • Excessive drinking

  • Anger and rage

We have materials available to raise awareness of this prevalent issue on our shop, which have already had a positive effect across the UK and the rest of the world.

Arsenal in the Community have helped raise awareness with a football tournament for the local community in the run up to the World Cup; and European Parliament have shown their support for the campaign too (pictured below).


Surrey become the second country to gain White Ribbon Accreditation


White Ribbon UK invited to England World Cup warm-up match