New WRUK report launch
White Ribbon Ambassadors report launches today
The White Ribbon UK Role Models Project was published on 14 August 2018. Funded through the Tampon Tax fund managed by the Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport, the Role Models Project took place over 18 months from September 2016. The project has enabled considerable development of the White Ribbon UK Ambassadors programme, resulting in there now being over 760 Ambassadors and more than 80 Accredited organisations.
White Ribbon UK Ambassadors, who are volunteers and must take part in an online induction to register, engage with other men and boys to call out behaviour that leads to harassment, abuse and violence and to promote a culture of equality and respect. Ambassadors take the message out to their wider communities: to schools and colleges, sports clubs, sporting events, workplaces, venues and festivals.
White Ribbon UK Ambassadors are recruited through word of mouth, social media, and throughout our campaigns. An important development of the project is the new online training programme that all Ambassadors must complete. This ensures all Ambassadors fully understand the importance of the campaign, the varied and intersectional issues of male violence against women, and their role in being agents for change.
The report was launched at an event that also marked the Greater Manchester Combined Authority in achieving White Ribbon Accreditation. Deputy Mayor Bev Hughes reiterated her support to ending male violence against women by welcoming and accepting the White Ribbon workplace accreditation on behalf of the Greater Manchester Combined Authority (GMCA). Opening the event, she said, “I am thrilled to be hosting the launch of the White Ribbon evaluation report here in Greater Manchester and I am pleased to be accepting the White Ribbon workplace accreditation for the GMCA alongside three of our ambassadors."
As outlined in White Ribbon’s latest report, 10,000 women are sexually abused every week in the UK which is simply not acceptable. I hope that with the support of White Ribbon and its Ambassadors, alongside the priorities set out in the Police and Crime plan, we can engage with other men and boys in Greater Manchester to call out behaviour that leads to harassment, abuse and violence against women and girls.”
White Ribbon Ambassadors are enlisted across the whole of the UK and play a vital role in engaging with men and boys to challenge inappropriate language and behaviour. GMCA White Ribbon ambassador, Andy Pownall said, “I am incredibly proud to be a White Ribbon Ambassador and I am pleased to accept the White Ribbon Accreditation on behalf of the GMCA. Throughout my career I have led and worked on numerous domestic violence campaigns and programmes and I am passionate about eliminating domestic violence in our communities.
“I have professional and personal experiences of dealing with domestic violence and I am pleased that I am able to champion the White Ribbon mission and make real change in the workplace, my personal life and within the communities of Greater Manchester to promote a culture of equality and respect.”
Andy Pownall speaking at the event on what it means to be an Ambassador for the campaign
Anthea Sully, Chief Executive of White Ribbon UK said, “The project has brought in more Ambassadors than we expected, who come from a wide range of backgrounds. By launching the report as Greater Manchester Combined Authority gain Accreditation shows what can be accomplished by working together. It was really good to hear from two new Ambassadors who were recruited as a result of Accreditation. This shows how the project is driving forward change through engagement across communities. We are thrilled to have the support of the Deputy Mayor and Greater Manchester Combined Authority in backing the White Ribbon campaign and I hope other organisations in Greater Manchester take their lead and support the vital work we do in ending male violence again women and girls.”