Violence Against Women: It's Everyone's Issue

This year's White Ribbon UK Conference is about looking to the future. We now have over 2000 people in our nation-wide network of volunteers and more than 100 organisations who work with us in changing cultures within local communities, businesses, schools, colleges and universities - an increasing number of accredited organisations.

Violence against women and girls is an institutionalised issue we need to work together to end.

What are the next steps in effecting real change moving forward?

How do we reach the people and organisations who are still to engage with the campaign?

The conference will hear from leading speakers, share information about developing policy and illustrate the work that is making a difference to end the violence and create a safer, equal world for women.

Keynote speaker:

Luke Hart

White Ribbon Ambassador, Refuge Champion. Luke, along with his brother Ryan have shared their story of domestic abuse, coercion and control, and domestic homocide in their book, Operation Lighthouse.

Date: 5th June (10am - 3.30pm)

Location: Amnesty International Human Rights Action Centre


25 New Inn Yard



Please note: a very limited number of free places are available. Please e-mail us to request a free place if you require it.


International Women's Day 2019


White Ribbon UK represented at World Forum for Democracy