White Ribbon UK

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It's time to care loudly by being active allies

White Ribbon UK condemns the appalling murder and attack on girls and women that took place in Southport, and the violence we have seen since across UK following this attack.

White Ribbon works to engage men and boys to prevent violence by addressing its root causes, restrictive gender norms and harmful masculine traits. These harmful attitudes and behaviours tend to encourage men to act in a way which perceives them to be 'powerful' and 'strong' which often translates into violence and abuse. Challenging these root causes not only helps tackle misogyny and sexism, but also racism, Islamophobia, and other forms of discrimination. If we are to see an end to violence, these attitudes and behaviours must be challenged and changed.

It's time to care loudly by being allies to women and girls, as well as colleagues, neighbours, and strangers who are being deeply affected by the environment that they are living in at this time.