Thank you to everyone who supported white ribbon day 2024.
individuals and organisations across england and wales marked the day, with some highlighted in the video.
White Ribbon Day : 25 November
Together we can prevent violence against women and girls.
It starts with men:
Violence against women and girls is rooted in harmful masculine norms. Starting with men, we must address the attitudes and behaviours that contribute to a fear of violence for women in their day-to-day lives.
This White Ribbon Day, we’re encouraging men to hold themselves accountable to women, and to each other, so we can affect positive behaviour change to transform harmful cultures. Gender equality is key to making this culture change happen. Gender equality is achievable if men and boys understand and assume their responsibility as allies.
Wear the White Ribbon
Wear the White Ribbon every day to spark important conversations about men’s violence against women and girls and your own allyship journey.
Use White Ribbon Resources
Download our resources now to help you raise awareness with your colleagues, friends, young people and family.
Make a Donation
Make a donation to ensure we can keep preventing violence against women and girls.
Sky Sports support of White Ribbon Day
Use White Ribbon Day resources to show how It Starts With YOU!
White Ribbon Day Webinars
This years webinars have now finished. If you enjoyed the webinars, consider signing up as a White Ribbon Ambassador or Champion to join webinars year-round. White Ribbon Accredited organisations and Supporter Organisations also have access to webinars year-round for all staff.

70% of women in the UK
say they have experienced sexual harassment in public. (APPG for UN Women, 2021)
3 in 5 women
have experienced sexual harassment, bullying or verbal abuse in the workplace. (Trade Unions Congress, 2023)
Nearly a quarter
of girls in mixed sex schools said they had experiences of unwanted sexual touching in school. (EVAW, 2023)
63% of men agree that men in society aren’t doing enough to ensure the safety of women and girls. (YouGov, 2021)
We use the UN definition:
“Violence against women’ means any act of gender-based violence that results in, or is likely to result in, physical, sexual or psychological harm or suffering to women'. (A/RES/48/104 – Declaration on the Elimination of Violence against Women)
The sad reality is, that the majority of violence against women is perpetrated by men. Whether that is a partner, ex-partner, colleague, or stranger.
White Ribbon UK recognises that not all men are violent. All Men Can end violence against women and girls by challenging harmful attitudes and behaviours.
White Ribbon began in Canada in 1991. White Ribbon was founded with the intention of getting to the root of the problem: harmful masculine traits and social norms around what it means to be a man. From its beginnings, White Ribbon joined with other campaigns around the world to mark the 25th of November. The White Ribbon became an important symbol for ending men’s violence against women. White Ribbon was one of the voices that campaigned for the UN recognition of the 25th of November as The International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women, which was designated by the UN in 2000. If violence against women is to be eliminated it remains essential that men become part of the solution for change.
Allyship to women and girls is about helping to create safer and more equal spaces for everyone. To end violence against women and girls, men and boys need to be allies and challenge harmful behaviours and attitudes that affect the lives of women and girls.