White Ribbon UK response to the outcome of the Southport trial

Following the outcome of the trial of the murder of three girls in Southport, Prime Minister Sir Keir Starmer, spoke of 'acts of extreme violence perpetrated by loners, misfits, young men in their bedroom, accessing all manner of materials online', highlighting the urgent need to engage with men and boys to prevent such atrocities happening in the future. 

Anthea Sully, Chief Executive of White Ribbon UK, said, 'The Government has promised to halve violence against women and girls within a decade. The only way that this can be achieved is through investment into Primary Prevention work with children and young people, to prevent harmful attitudes, behaviours and beliefs from developing into violence against women and girls. It is essential that this work focuses particularly on engaging young men and boys, promoting equality and dispelling restrictive and harmful gender norms.' 

The UK Government must work with schools and education providers, and Primary Prevention focused charities to ensure that teachers and the National Education Curriculum are equipped to combat harmful gender norms, and promote a culture of acceptance and equality from an early age. Without positive alternatives we are failing all our children. We need to displace harmful narratives by supporting learning and allyship, so that young men are inquisitive and develop the skill of critical analysis.

We all deserve to be able to live our lives free from men's violence, and the fear of it. White Ribbon UK stands with the families of Bebe King, Elsie Dot Stancombe and Alice da Silva Aguiar.


WRUK’s Response to the National Audit Office Report ‘Tackling violence against women and girls’


White Ribbon UK secures funding for research into primary prevention of violence against women and girls